David Kaplan

In the beginning...

My love for video creation was realized in high school when I'd come home in the afternoon and, for nothing else but personal joy really, I would make stop-motion-animation clips with my wrestling figure collection; Choke-slams by Kane, rock-bottoms through tables, and high flying stunts from The Hardy Boys off of toy ladders. I would even help my friends edit their movies for class project when I wasn't in the class. It was around the same time that I decided to pick up bass guitar. My friends were in bands, I was musically inclined, so it just made sense.  From adolescence I've had a keen eye and ear for detail.

In the middle...

I've always had a love for animals and nature, but it's convergence with my creativity came to fruition during a trip I took to Yellowstone National Park in the summer of 2011. Up until that point documentaries like planet Planet Earth showed me just how awesome the world around us was, but it was the trip to Yellowstone where I experienced it through the lens of my own two eyes; I was awestruck and inspired by the otherworldly landscapes and droves of bison roaming freely. I wanted the things I felt through site and sound to be captured and shared with anyone willing to listen. It was around this same time that I was working for Apple and received certifications in both Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5.  

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Currently shooting with a Panasonic GH5 and editing in Final Cut Pro X, I've worked with product marketing, customer success, sales, and HR teams to create videos for varying purposes including explainer videos and how-to's, corporate and customer testimonials, and internal training videos. I've driven projects from inception to completion inclusive of scripting, story boarding, location scouting, lighting and audio set ups, shooting, editing, and final delivery.  Outside of corporate videography I'm an avid traveler and nature buff so you'll find that my other projects often tell the stories of the place I've been and seen.